Preface 2023
Preface – magazine 2023 A contemporary magazine feeds upon dynamism and vigour. It instantly perceives the inputs deriving from the readers and evolves, offering its best at...
Preface – magazine 2023 A contemporary magazine feeds upon dynamism and vigour. It instantly perceives the inputs deriving from the readers and evolves, offering its best at...
Around the mid-fifth century BC, the famous Greek historian Herodotus of Halicarnassus visited Egypt. Later, when he wrote the celebrated Histories, he dedicated the entire second...
For comedy writer and director Eduardo de Filippo, one of the geniuses of Italian and Neapolitan theatres of the 20th century, food always had great value. For him and every...
by Ilaria Persello According to an estimate from Coldiretti, the federation of Italian farmers, reported some time ago inside Il Sole24Ore, 60% of pet owners spend between 30 and...
by Franco Banchi New Atlantis is an unfinished utopian novel by Francis Bacon, written in 1624 and posthumously published in 1627. Bacon tells the story of a group of 51...
Bauerngarten: the essence of South Tyrol in a few square metres By Ilaria Persello What is a Bauerngarten? In South Tyrol, people usually stop to admire the small plot of...
by Franco Banchi Not everyone knows that UNESCO in 2011 declared the 30th of April the International Jazz Day to celebrate such a renowned musical genre and its ability to unite...
By Anna Cafissi The Iliad and the Odyssey are the oldest poems of Western literature. They were written in the dark centuries following the disappearance of the Mycenaean kingdoms...
by Franco Banchi New Atlantis is an unfinished utopian novel by Francis Bacon, written in 1624 and posthumously published in 1627. Bacon tells the story of a group of 51...
By Ilaria Persello Last January, Palazzo Medici housed two conferences on the secrets of coffee and wine organised by the Associazione Consonanze and the online journal...
by Nicoletta Arbusti Louis-Constant Wairy (1778 – 1845), Napoleon Bonaparte’s head valet de chambre, in his Memoires de Constant, premier valet de chambre de l’Empereur, sur...
FRANCO BANCHI, a graduate in Philosophy, is a high school teacher. On a cultural level, he has held several institutional positions and followed projects at regional, national and European level. Journalist and writer, he has directed numerous newspapers and now Dichecibo6, and published several books especially in the field of food history.
FIAMMA DOMESTICI, journalist and art historian, specialized in Renaissance to which she has devoted years of study and
research, participating to international exhibitions, conferences and study days and publishing essays and monographic studies.
She is in charge of the Firenze Fiera – Congress & Exhibition Center press office, where she is responsible for the institutional communication, direct and indirect exhibitions, congresses and Mice events. Author of several articles and essays published in specialized publications (AD, CeramicAntica, PitturAntica, Turismo Cultural, etc.) and cultural and art events collaborator for the newspaper La Nazione
NICOLETTA ARBUSTI è psicologa, psicoterapeuta, iscritta all’Ordine degli Psicologi della Regione Lazio.
Laureata in Psicologia Clinica ( Università La Sapienza di Roma ) e in Pedagogia ( Università di Firenze ). E’ scrittrice, editore, relatrice in conferenze e convegni, in Italia e all’estero, imprenditrice.
Autrice di libri pubblicati in italiano e francese, ha curato le edizioni di vari testi per diverse case editrici italiane, e ha pubblicato numerosi articoli con riviste scientifiche sui temi della psicologia, della psicoterapia,dell’ipnosi clinica,della creatività.
Nel 2005 fonda, a Firenze, l’Associazione Culturale Consonanze non profit – Psicologia e Discipline Affini ( ). Per l’Associazione è curatrice delle relazioni esterne e dei progetti culturali e scientifici.
Nel 2014 crea l’azienda Dichecibo6? ( ). E nel 2019 fonda Dichecibo6? Magazine.
Marta Mariotti Lippi graduated in Natural Sciences and Biological Sciences at the University of Florence and specialized in “Laboratory Research Methodology” at the University of Modena. She earned her PhD
degree in Systematics and Plant Ecology. She is currently Professor of Systematic Botany at the Biology Department of the University of Florence. Her research activity focuses on archaeobotany, palynology and reproductive biology of plants studies. She has worked in numerous archaeological excavations in Italy (mainly around Mount Vesuvius and in Tuscany) and abroad (Jordan, Libya, Sultanate of Oman, Russia, Czech Republic).
Serbian Mother and Senese father. She has lived in numerous cities in Italy and abroad. She degreed in English and Russian and has a PhD in History of Entertainment. She has been working in the world of academic internationalization since 1995.
Since 2011, she has directed the Italian branch of Syracuse University and has been teaching a course on cross-cultural competence. In addition to academic articles, she has published five books in Italy.
Carlotta Fonzi Kliemann is Professor of Film Studies at Syracuse University Florence. She deals with Italian, international, political and LGBT cinema. She has published several essays in criticism (among them, “L’amore inconfessabile: l’incesto nel cinema”. Parte prima Psicologia Contemporanea 31. 190 e Parte seconda 31. 191 (2005); “Years of the Bullet on Screen. The Representation of Leftist Terrorism in Italian Films 1980–1996.” Italian History & Culture 4 (1998): 93–111) and numerous articles on Italian cinema, international political cinema, and women’s films. She is also the co-author of the book Abbasso i bulli, (Ponte alle Grazie, 2012) and author of Diversamente uguali – Un disabile in famiglia (2018). She has been part of the jury for documentary films in competition at SguardiAltrove Film Festival (Milan, 2009) and for the feature films at the Balkan Florence Express (Florence, 2012) and participated in round tables on film in Turin, Florence, Milan, and Rome. She has been a regular collaborator to the Mediateca Regionale Toscana for many years and since 2008 is vice-president of the Associazione Chicca Richelmy which promotes audio-visual culture and awards a prize at the Torino Film Festival. She is a translator from French and English.
Ilaria Persello is a freelance journalist, photographer and webmaster for passion. She has worked with newspapers, magazines and press offices. She has cured the historical and gastronomy researches for various publications, including the recipes in Il Pranzo di San Giovanni (San Giovanni’s lunch) and Il
Convivio delle Erbe Dimenticate (the Banquet of Forgotten Herbs) by Franco Banchi.
He was born in Florence and has lived there ever since.
He works at a high school as a librarian.
He is a poet and columnist and has published, among other works, a cookbook and a short philosophical dictionary both written in ottava rima stanza.
Classical baccalaureate degree, Florence. Degree in History of Medieval and Modern Art (the University of Florence, prof. Mina Gregori; thesis on the subject of Veneto carried out between the University of Padua and Venice). 1980-1996: Collaboration with the Academy of Design Arts. Editorial secretary in publishing
houses, 1991-1996. 2014: Councilor of the Italian National Committee (Murano) of the AIHV- Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre. 1996-2016: Municipality of Empoli, researcher and scientific director
of the Glass Museum of Empoli. 2010: Collaborator of the Osservatorio Mestieri d’Arte (OMA) magazine, Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze Foundation. 2012: The University of Florence, Department of history, archaeology, geography, art and entertainment (SAGAS), School of Specialization in Historical and Artistic Heritage, contract lecturer for the teaching of History of glass and stained glass. 2013- 2017: Sacred Art School, Florence, professor of History of stained glass. 2015: Researcher Officina Profumo Pharmaceutica of Santa Maria Novella for the historical-artistic collections. 2015: Associated Scholar, Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, Florence.
Anna Cafissi graduated in Classical Literature and specialized in Classical Philology and Antiquities at the
University of Florence, the same University where she later taught Roman History and Greek History.
She was also Greek Epigraphy and Roman Epigraphy Professor in the School of Specialization in Archaeology, in Florence. She is the author of numerous scientific papers on ancient classical history, published in international and national journals.
She was born in Scutari, Albania. She grew up, graduated, worked as a journalist in this city, and here she published her first writings and the first book “Intorno a me” (Around me).
In 2000, she moved to Florence, where she would go back to writing, this time adopting a new language, Italian.
She has published different collections of poems entitled “Senza Paura” (Without fear), “Un faro nella nebbia” (A lighthouse in the fog), Tempo Negato” (Time denied). She is also the author of the books for children, “La carrozzina magica” (The magic pushchair) and “Sono io” (It’s me). Some of the books by his award-winning Albanian – Florentine by adoption – poet have been translated into English, French, Spanish, Thai and Albanian. She has won international literary prizes and awards for all of her works. At present, she deals with human rights.
She teaches History of the Italian language at the University for Foreigners of Siena and is an Academic Secretary of the Accademia della Crusca. She deals with Italian poetry of the origins, Dante and Machiavelli, and vulgarization and epistolography. Several of her studies are
dedicated to the history of gastronomic language, and in particular to Pellegrino Artusi.
She is a PhD student in Historical Linguistics, Educational Linguistics and Italian Studies. Italian, other Languages and Cultures and a lecturer of History of the Italian language at the University for Foreigners of Siena. She won a scholarship at the Accademia della Crusca for research on Italian in food. She is preparing the publication and study of Pellegrino Artusi’s correspondence.
She received her PhD in Linguistics and Philology (Linguistics) at the University of Florence. She is a research fellow and collaborates with the Accademia della Crusca on the Electronic version project of the fifth edition of the Academia della Crusca Vocabulary – Philological control
of the electronic text and XML-TEI marking based on the DTD of the online Crusca Lexicography.
She received her PhD in Historical Linguistics, Educational Linguistics and Italian Studies. Italian, other Languages and Cultures at the University for Foreigners of Siena. She is currently a research fellow and works with the Accademia della Crusca on theVocabolario dantesco: la Commedia.
She was born and lives in Florence. She studies philosophy at the University of Florence, enjoys traveling, writing. She is passionate about music, which she loves to talk about on some blogs.
Agnese Raucea studied ancient letters in Catania. At the University of Florence, she later obtained her master’s degree in classical Philology and qualified as literature and Latin teacher. Currently, she works as a teacher in secondary school. She has published short stories for Small Room and Edizioni Il Foglio.
He graduated in International Relations and European Studies at the “Cesare Alfieri” School of Political Sciences in Florence; completed the II level Master in Foreign Trade and Business Internationalization at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.
He currently works for a consulting firm and is the author of cybernetic and international articles.
He graduated in International Relations and European Studies at the “Cesare Alfieri” School of Political Sciences in Florence; he has held the position of Coordinator of the Limes Club Florence for several years. Previously, he perfected his diplomatic studies in Spain, also carrying out work activities in the field of business internationalization. He is mainly interested in geopolitics, with particular attention to the Asia-Pacific region.
Agronomist and Director of the Tuscan Society of Horticulture and the Historical Archive of Flowers and Fruits. Promoter and populariser of the Ortobioattivo method – the vegetable garden for a bioactive-nutraceutical food.
He is interested in the exhaustion and restoration of soil fertility and food resilience actions inside cities. He has outlined a natural, organic-regenerative cultivation method to go beyond organic food and produce bioactive-nutraceutical food and a functional and environmentally friendly diet.
He studies the climate change phenomena and mitigation actions in the agricultural field.
He collaborates with the Botanical Garden of the University of Florence, the Sustainable University Project at the University of Florence, and the Phytogenomic Lab at the CERFIT (the Regional reference centre in phytotherapy): the first laboratory for the study and application of “genomic” technologies for the production of bioactive substances of plant origin.
Lawyer, journalist, Fine Wine Critic, member of the Italian Sommelier Association (AIS) and the Grand Jury Européen du Vin.
Movement is life. Here is my motto.
I have a degree in legal studies and administrative systems, attended a master’s in sports food supply with Massimo Spattini, and specialized at the Functional Training School as a gym instructor for pregnant women and female gymnastics. I am a professional Natural Bodybuilding athlete, category Bikini Fitness, a two-time European champion ICN / AINBB 2018-2019, and vice-champion Universe ICN/AINBB 2019.
I am delighted to describe my experience and share a message of fitness and nutrition in such a notable magazine.